Posted by : Da 5th Element 09 December 2009

"They say there are 4 elements to Hip Hop: MC'in, DJ'in, Dancing and Graffiti, but there is a 5th element.......YOU"

-"Da 5th Element"

{ 11 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I am Hip Hop, but what makes a person Hip Hop? It is a culture, it is a way of living...Can we remain Hip Hop even after we've become adults and are corporate or blue collar? How is generation X representing Hip Hop? Where has the respect for the art gone? Definitely not in the mainstream...Can I love Jesus and still love Hip Hop? I'm just posing the questions...Why? Because I am Hip Hop...

  2. yo i definently know im hiphop regardless of the external environment, because its something i am, how i carry myself,its the culture that wether im wearing suit or some baggy jeans that is ingrained in my DNA.. now adays rap/hiphop is more of a style or steez or something they switch up and put on like the latest pair of jeans ..thats not hiphop to me thats disco lol

  3. for example telly mancakes comes into the caff on the reg new steezed out now i get he flippin it supple style but at the cor homez is angling for attention with the switch up hiphop is about the art not the switch up! now if telly was true to himself he would keep it crackin and stay true to self..kinda like the toss salad man feel me homie never deviated he stuck to his guns now thats hiphop!

  4. I'm not hip-hop. I am hip-hop's offspring son. (no pun intended).

  5. ok the fact that telly mancakes made it to the Blog make me feel very off, b/c telly mancakes has nothing to do with how you spit hot fire, freak the ill and al scratch, rock the no hand windmill or got the ill tag or throwie. because at the end of the day telly prob can do all these thing better then we can(cant believe im saying this) but its about were your heart is at in this thing we call hip hop not were your prverbial "mancakes" are. i think lol wow i just defended telly mancakes. but i guess my reference is in the fact that house music is as much apart of hip hop as gangsta rap and screw is.

  6. "a mic sounds nisse check one, I mic sounds nisse check two..." -Telly Mancakes

  7. "push it, push it real good..." -Telly Mancakes

  8. "buddy, buddy, buddy, all in my face..." -Telly Mancakes

  9. Whats the feedback on the "Joint of the Day" in know its sort of old but still a good listen..

  10. I'm a little taken back by "Annonymous" right now, but if I had to guess it's probably derkdajerk!...But the joint of the day...STRAIGHT SLAPPN'!!! SON SON!!!! "Blast on Judas Escariot and peel off in the chariot"! ILL Son!

  11. just for the record !!!!!!! i am not anonymous stanks fellas

    and theres no way i want any bodies BUDDY BUDDY BUDDY ALL UP IN MY FACE "CRACKN"!


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