Posted by : Da 5th Element 03 December 2009

Hmmmm "You will do greater things...." on so many levels this is true if you believe.

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  1. So, my reason for this post is do partly to a brother I feel honored to call a brother and he's a man of God. This brother was battling one day with "You will do greater things than I". The battle, he wasn't living up to his potential in Christ. While listening to a sermon a the Pastor on the cd was speaking of us being the body of Christ and what annointing there is when you bring together Apostiles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, etc...So to this I mention we will do greater things as soon as we realize our potential if we put down our differences and recognize our common ground of Christ and start doing greater things. The annointing is in us, but we must form as the body and operate with the faith of a mustard seed.

  2. I completely agree with this, point in case. All these resent short comings of our brotha's in Christ in the music industry, all i have heard and read about is how everyone around them are pushing them away or taking them out of positions or removing them from their ministries. don’t misunderstand me if you fall off you "MUST" restore yourself, but my point is this is the "focus" in none of what im hearing or reading do i see that their body is working towards restoring these fallen. its as though they are now on their own. How you just cut your finger off like that when you get a splinter?...well ok more like a finger slammed in the door.

  3. Ok im sorry but im sitting here watching ESPN while i was typing my above post and they are talking about the Tiger issue. They are putting this dude on blast like "how you gonna tell Vick how to repair his image" then they played the interview that Tiger did commenting on how Vick can repair his image. For them to do that just goes to show that "We do not war against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  4. yo i love that scripture due to the fact that christ was empowering us in the most literal sense of the word in knowing how in aw of the things we see and especially the works he performed through his ministry he gave us a template a goal to reach for. its one thing to say great works will u do if u believe and are a believer its another to say "greater" the e-r implies no that u are greater than God but that through u Christ can and will perform works on your behalf and the behalf of others that will due to the nature of whats needed at the time will be in comparison even greater than what youve seen the master do..."in other words believe in me and walk in faith, and if u aline yourself with my spirit well hey if u like the walkin on water thing, YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET"


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