Posted by : Da 5th Element 27 May 2011

Well I'm on Vacation with the family on Tybee Island.
Sidebar: anybody looking for a great family beach and/or just a get away spot, this is the spot

The Waves
 This year is a special vacation:
My oldest Son who in previous years had been afraid of the ocean for a few obvious reasons.
    1. "The ocean is to big Daddy" explanation: there are no rails for him to grab onto.
    2. "Daddy this water tastes nasty" explanation: Chlorine water tastes better than salt water
But this year he overcame his fear of the ocean and is able to enjoy himself at the beach without restriction. "Daddy I'm not afraid of the ocean anymore. I just don't have to go that deep" he says.

As a father this made me feel warm and fuzzy inside to bare witness to him realizing his fear and taking the steps needed to control and eliminate it. I realize that as Men we need to understand what our fears are and learn also control and eliminate them. I have eliminated the fear of my oldest son not trusting himself when faced with the waves of life.

OK so let me talk to the MEN for a sec as this is a serious issue I also noticed in the Waves.
I'm not talking about a few days off from work when all you do is think about work and what you need to do when you get back to work, but A VACATION where you actually rest your MIND BODY and SOUL from the World.  I'm talking about a vacation when your concept of time gets altered while your away, I mean when allow yourself to sleep until the afternoon and get up only to do nothing if you so decide or take a nap until 1am then decide "Hey now it would be a good time to play Taboo" until 5am. Then go to sleep at 6am get up when the Lord wakes you up and do it all again. Men we need to get on it for real. We not only need it but if you have a family they need it as well. Ride with the Waves not against them. Just look at how my youngest feels about being "On the Vacation" as he says. 

"I'm on the Vacation"

Finally this Vacation is a special one as it marks mine and my wife's 11th year as one, and the waves have not always been calm.

However, what was revealed to me on the beach is that waves are necessary. As I watch the waves come in and go out I noticed that things were being taken out with the leaving tide and the beach surface was being replenished, or being renewed with what belongs. See how the only thing that is remaining on my wife's face are those things that belong. Peace, Joy, Love, and Harmony.
So if you find yourself in the waves "Hang Loose" or just catch the Wave.

Oh I almost forgot The FOOD. The Food is So Good. Here is the Menu for today:
Steamed Seasoned Snow Crab Legs
Steamed Muscles
Steamed Seasoned Shrimp (big enough to be Prawns)
Baked Potato Slices
Corn on the Cobb
Party Punch (Ginger Ale and Fruit Punch)
and the Tunes of KRS One in the back Ground "Cuz All This Food is Still #1".

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Yo...this is awesome man. It does my heart good to see a strong, happy black family. Makes me even more excited about what I have coming. Dope analogy about "Waves." Safe travels my man!!

  2. I love this post!

  3. was goin back over the posts man and this joint had me on vacation just readin it. NO care no worries just as u would say me riding the waves of the pictured u painted! I agree as men we need to learn how to shut it down and be at peace mind body and soul...great great post and timeless wisdom in it for real


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