Posted by : C.L. Crouch 08 June 2011

Lil B' named his new album, "I'm Gay" though he is not gay. He says he is a heterosexual gay man. (???) Rumors have always surfaced in hip-hop about guys being gay from Diddy, LL, and Birdman and Weezy, with the latter two openly kissing on TV and claiming it was a "mafia kiss."


I was thinking last night about how I would respond if I were on a much bigger platform and asked about my stance on homosexuality. I understand that due to my endeavors, at any moment I can, by God's grace, be catapulted in the limelight.
What would I say concerning this? It seems that a "Hollywood" rite of passage is to find out one's view on homosexuality...more so to make sure one is "for it."

I thought about how prominent pastor Joel Osteen avoided the outright shunning of this spirit on CNN.
I thought about how Bishop Carlton Pearson is now saying that homosexuality is okay in God's eyes.

What would I say? Would I be willing to face the backlash by most of the world by saying I was against it? Would I take that stand like Carrie Prejean, former Miss America contestant, and blatantly share her unbiased view on homosexuality before the whole world?

Hip hop has long been a male dominated force. Rarely does a female make anyone's greatest MC list, sans Lauryn Hill on occasion. I am sure it's only a matter of time before someone HUGE comes out of the closet in the studio and confesses.

Sure most hardcore hip-hopians call each other "fags, p*ssies, b*tches", etc. in the ever popular method of dissing, or showcasing their perceived testicular fortitude...but what happens when you get that tweet that your favorite rapper, or your son's favorite rapper has come came out?

Would you still listen to WuTang if the GZA and Deck were caught on the back of the tour bus?

Hmmm...what sayeth you?

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. I've heard a male MC say that they were Gay with respects to being the best lesbian in the world. hmmmmm ok if he says so. But I’m wondering if this is the same premise in which Lil B is referring to considering his past exploits when regarding the female gender.

    However, to actually without a doubt be confronted with the FACT that now not only I and my Son’s are being subjected to Male Homosexual rappers is crazy. However, my statement comes with a lil double standard in that for years we have listened to the Queen (Ladies first) hmmmm ok, or Da Brat and even lil Kim making mention of homosexual acts, but it’s almost accepted and in some cased condoned.

    But to find out that Redman loves 'Mancakes' will almost crush me where as if Q-Tip were to expose himself as a homosexual MC I feel it would be more accepted. Sad right? But consider this. Baby Shame from the jungle brothers has been exposed by Busta (although not confirmed) as a Gay rapper and it seems like the hip hop world has almost said "yeah I could see why"

    I know it seems as though I’m promoting the acceptance of gay mc's with my response. From a morality stand point homosexuality is wrong all around. However, I’m partial and bound by my faith and beliefs in that respect, but the HIP HOP Culture is not partial bias or condemning when it comes to who it allows to let in. Vanilla Ice has been accepted into hip hop, MC Hammer has been accepted into Hip Hop, PM Dawn has been accepted into Hip Hop, Blind Fury has been accepted into Hip Hop, the West, Mid West coast along with the South has been accepted into Hip Hop. Not to mention the countless foreigners.

    In closing let me say this When "Gangster Rap" was introduced it not only came in Hard promoting the Gang Life and made the world aware of it but it also helped remove and clean up some of the Gang activities in the world ..hmmmmm Could the same be said about “Gay-sta Rap”

  2. I was once told that if u dont stand for something youll fall for anything. We have slowly although covertly gotten to the place were having a opinion that does not go along with the status quo makes u a hater or hatemonger. Honestly my faith doesnt allow me to call wrong right but that doesnt mean that i cant respect you the person or better yet show u love.To sum it up Christ said if u deny me before men then when the time comes "i'll deny you".If the jist of the HipHop community deems it acceptable then hey all i can say is whatever floats your boat. I was raised to be a leader not a follower and following a gay rapper is something i don't choose to support...this next statment may be predicatble but never more fitting and or relevant than it is today cause "if i dont like it , i dont like it , it dont mean that im hating" ...question is ...if u dont like what im sayin, does that make u a hater??...hmmmmm


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