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- So what u sayin??
Posted by : derkdajerk
16 August 2011
So yes indeed I'm at it again letting my mind spray were it may... becareful not to get none on you, the side affects could cause spontaneous thought and deeper intellect so indeed this could be a "MADE U LOOK" moment cause im shootin... (shout out to Nas). Anyway before i get too off the beat'n path lets get to it. Today I'm really trippin about the power of the words we speak and how we can use them to build or tear our worlds apart. In Genesis 17:1-22 the Bible discusses the promise that God made with Abraham concerning him becoming the father of a great nation and how his seed will be as vast as the grains of sand and as numerous as the stars in the sky. At this time the Lord was having a convo with Abram, as he was known then, and adviced him that he was adding the H-A-M on to his name (guess u could say God was letting abram know he was about to go ham)!!! i kid i kid LOL . Now you may ask what significance does this have to the power of words? Well before I bring this around let me also point out the story of John the Baptist's father in Luke 1:5-25. In this instance Gabriel the angel appears to Zacharias while in the temple and adviced that the thing he has prayed for will come to pass.... he and his wife Elizbeth will have a son and his name will be called John. In the midst of gettin his prayer answered and this vision from God's messanger Zacharias replies "how can this be" considering he and his wifes ages, automatically speaking doubt and lookin at the circumstance and not the word of God which was being delivered to him. In that instant Gabriel advised that due to his disbelief ,even while standing in the presence of an Angel..(how much more proof do u need maaaan?!?!) he would not be able to utter a word at all during his wifes preganancy and so it was God- shut em down !!!shut em.. shut em down!!!! (okay so i get carried away stay with me). While pondering on these two stories I feel like I had a light bulb moment! Bam it hit me.... when God added H-A-M to Abrahams name he essentially insured that anytime his name was spoken His "will" for Abraham would be spoken out into the cosmos ..."Father of many nations can u take out the trash", "Hey Father of many nations dinners ready"...."OOh Father of many nations i got UNO". Everytime anyone spoke Abrahams new name wether they beleived it or not they were speaking in harmony with Gods promise for his life essentially sowing seeds that would reap a harvest. Also knowing how powerful the words of our mouth are the Lord would not allow his plans to be affected by the doubt of Johns father, hence his 9 month bout with lock jaw. With that being said take stock of what u let fall out of your mouth! Are you placing a stumbling block in your own way by the things you speak ?? "Oh this is killing me, why cant I ever catch a break , this will never turn our right" or are you a mountain mover planting seeds of victory with everybreath you take!?!?! Its never to late to focus on the things that will take you and your family to the next level and considering the Bible says God spoke everything into existence our words would be a great place to start! until next time "shalom" -PEACE
...P.S. According to Strong's Concordance 7965 Shalom also means completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. So indeed "shalom" to you all and I mean that!