Posted by : Da 5th Element 07 August 2013

(Original Article Link)

This dude said:

“Choosy mothers choose the smoothest peanut butters and more cognizant fathers do George Washington Carver,
A break from the paper it means do u identify more with the, whats made or the maker? Im what’s being chased im not the

In some respect I don't think he is taking a direct shot at either one of them in a typical form of a direct diss but more or less appealing to his listeners more so on how they should really listen to Jay and Ye and not to really take their life put on wax as their own but instead to take it with a grain of salt and look more to the reality of things and find the reality of what Jay and Ye are saying in their lyrics or even the reality of the purpose of why they put out the work they put out. then you will really understand and begin to enjoy their music for what it is "music" not a way of life. Think really is a diss or an attack on the industry that dictates what his fans listen to. WHAT DO YOU THINK???

(Digital Lyrical Sheet for ‘Peace of Paper/Cup of Jayzus,’)

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Could it be? Substance vs Subpar? Positive vs Negative? Old School vs New Shool? There is something brewing in Hip Hop and it is going to be interesting to see how this pans out.

  2. I honestly hope he is going at them on a "deeper", more than rap beef level. I think Lupe may be battling on behalf on the minds of the lesser learned hip-hop fanbase. And if ANYBODY can do it...It's Lupe. I think if anybody has taken the reigns of "hip-hops conscious", it's him.


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