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- Prepare or Repair...that is the question
Posted by : derkdajerk
06 August 2013
Ok so im sittin here thinking what to drop science on and it dawns on me, how many of us just roll threw life with the would've, could've, should'v syndrome ..if your reading this and your hand isnt raised , your probably in the minority or just so numb to the facts that you consider yourself a baller because... "well" gucci mane said you where and thats all the validation you need. Moving right along, i've come to understand that we have a lot of grandious ideas, from being healthy to entrepraneurship but act as if time is just standing still waiting on us to make that Big Move. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that time was yesterday and the day before that and well i think you get the picture. Often times we allow the everyday moods of life to distract, discourage and lull us to sleep with sweet songs of "tomorrow", yes tomorrow i'm goin to really make it happen! Now dont get me wrong i agree that with every day comes the seeds of new possibilites and potential, but as with any seed what do you expect to bloom if u dont water it. Just as in nature the watering of a seed does not produce a bloom if you only do it once or twice or sporatically it requires a "constant" action that will unfailingly yield a harvest. This is your preparation period the period in which before you get the results you seek you are working toward an "expected" end. In contrast to this many of us like to hold on to major ideas and , whimsical dreams that will garner us that mythical position in life we feel we are warranted with only our mouths as evidence of how we are going to bring these things to fruition. We neglect our relationships only to have them wither and die, we neglect our talents only to become bitter at those who achieve what we think we should have but never worked like they did to get it, we neglect our bodies to find out later in life that just like our vehicles without regular maintenance we will find our selves stranded and desperate, and we neglect our spirits only to find out in the time of calamity we are throwing up hail mary prayers to God hoping that their is some 50/50 chance that He will move heaven and earth on our behalf when we couldnt even take 30 seconds to say grace before eating. Granted God does not move based on what you have or have not done but isnt it better to come to Him out of assurity as opposed to desperation? In assurity their is faith and faith their is that power to move the mountains we face. It came to me as my wife and i where doing some repairs on our current home in an effort to purchase a new one , that we had let so many things slide that the task of getting our growing list of things fixed was becoming more daunting by the day. Because the house wasnt leaking or walls about to crash in on us we talked about things that we should do but never actually did them and then when the time came that we really needed to make a move we where faced with a litany of tasks, that had we consistantly worked towards keeping our home up would not have required this last minute over hall of some many different things that we let slip threw the cracks. Fortunantly we have been able to get it all done but the headache and stress was really unnecessary. So i admonish you to take a look at your life and ask your self are you really preparing for your future, are you preparing to be who God created you to be or in the event of something unforeseen will you have to stop to repair your life and lose valuable time in the process? If the answer is the latter i suggest you get to work while you still can,as i've learned first hand preparation is cheap but repairs can be costly!
Yo this is off the top of the dome? Like random thoughts?? This is ill man.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will say this for the 1,023,525th time. YOU NEED TO WRITE A BOOK OF INSPIRATIONS OR SOMETHING. Ninjas be having mad wisdom to share and don't not be sharing. Well I guess you just did but still...You get me.
DeleteWith all that life has to offer, we’re still complacent. Even when we feel for maintenance inside, we still find ourselves in a stance. We are tricked by our own self, because of (fear) we look at the whole picture and it’s just too much in its entirety to face at once. So thank you for the encouragement, it’s good to know you’re on the right path when you fix one thing at a time; even if there’s a lot to work on. The point is you’re not letting it all go to waste, maintenance won’t be in vain!